
How to Make the Citation of this Document using the INPE Standard (BibINPE Format)

KRUEGER, M. L.; OLIVEIRA NETO, M. M.; KRONBAUER, A. L. Personalized visual simulation and objective validation of low-order aberrations of the human eye. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES, 29. (SIBGRAPI), 2016, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil. Proceedings... Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society´s Conference Publishing Services, 2016. On-line. DOI: <10.1109/SIBGRAPI.2016.018>. Available from: <>.

How to Make the In-Text Citation (by author/year)

... as proposed by Krueger, Oliveira Neto and Kronbauer (2016).
... may be found in the literature (KRUEGER; OLIVEIRA NETO; KRONBAUER, 2016).
